Designated Categories of Persons for Written Advice
The written advice should be issued by the following categories of persons :
- Medical Practitioners conferred by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine with the designation of Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology); or
- Medical Practitioners conferred by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine with the designation of Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Community Medicine) and in the sub-speciality of occupational medicine; or
- Audiologists with a degree of Master of Science in Audiology issued by a local University or its equivalent (e.g. master degrees in audiology issued by universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada or New Zealand, etc.); or
- Audiologists with Postgraduate Diploma in Audiology from Australia; or
- Audiology Technicians with Certificate of Audiology Technicians Training Course (Part I) issued by institutions recognised by the British Association of Audiologists/British Society of Audiology; and Certificate of Qualification Examinations (Part II) issued by British Association of Audiologists/British Society of Audiology or its equivalent.